


兴趣和理想 Hobbies and Ideal <2>




We left our footprints on numerous magnificent mountains and rivers of our motherland.


与家人在一起最开心, 2005 年我们和女儿到福建武夷山。

The happiest time is the time with families; in 2005, we visited Wu Yi Mountain, Fujian Province with our daughter.


2008 初夏欧洲行,第一站荷兰,在 离 阿姆斯特丹不远的 LISSE ,有世界最大最美丽的郁金香公园 。

In the early summer of 2008, we began our European trip and the first stop was LISSE , where is not far from Amsterdam , Netherlands , and locate the most beautiful tulip park, Keukenhof Park , in the world.


荷兰 Zutphen ,我们到 Fokker 老夫妇家作客,参观他们坐落在一片密林中、占有 一公顷 土地面积、度过了 42 年的温馨舒适家园(自己动手建房)。

In Zutphen ( Netherlands ), we visited the Fokkers' 42-year sweet and comfortable home located in a forest with an area of one hectare.


荷兰的“威尼斯”—— Giethoorn 羊角村 ,这次不但自驾车还自驾船呢。

In Giethoorn, well-known as Venice of Netherlands, we not only drove a car but sailed a boat.



Different from last arrival in Luxembourg for a business trip, the trip with family members feels better.



The Eiffel Tower of PairsIt is such an amazing thing to visit different kinds of museums when traveling in Pairs.


驾车旅行方便自由,老实说我们的驾驶水平还不错,曾在多个国家开车:英国、法国、荷兰、德国、新加坡、美国、新西兰、马来西亚 …

Road trip is convenient and flexible. Our driving skills are not so bad and we have driven in many countries: UK , France , Netherlands , Germany , Singapore , America , New Zealand , Malaysia …


有时候也参团旅游,凡涉及到历史文化、宗教传说等就必须请导游解说。 2009年元旦和家人组团到柬埔寨。

We sometimes join a tourist group. Once the view spots are along with history, culture, religious and legends, a tour guide is absolutely necessary. We usually invited a guide to interpret for us. Our family travelled Cambodia at the New Year's Day, 2009.


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